
Accessibility on the web can mean a lot of things. But in general it means making websites as inclusive to as many users as possible. Accessibility is important for a diverse group of users including mobile users, people who rely on assistive technology to navigate the web, and even search engine robots. We handle accessibility of in two simple ways.

First, we follow web design standards and best practices. This means when we build new features and new themes, we are building on a good foundation for making our system accessible.

Second, we address specific concerns. As web technologies change and browsers strive to keep up, it is near impossible to achieve 100% accessibility. If you run into an accessibility problem feel free to contact us. We examine these problems on a case-by-case basis and fix them if possible and appropriate.

Mobile Accessibility

We also provide a level of accessibility to users of mobile devices by offering mobile themes. And you can access your own blog on the go with the mobile version of or the WordPress app, available for smartphones and tablet devices.

Accessibility Guidelines

This site is developed in WordPress, cannot ensure a site is fully compliant with these guidelines, since they include both the structure of the pages and the content that users add to their pages.